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[10-04 23:08:21]   来源:http://www.huamaomi.com  初二写人作文   阅读:9630
概要:e must be thick enough to support me. Being so interested in skating, I couldn’t help going down and sliding on the ice. Suddenly, I heard a sound of crack. Looking down, I saw the crack on the ice surface. I was frightened out of my life and didn’t dare to move. But nobody could help me. I had to move toward the bank carefully.As soon as I got onto the bank, the ice broke. How horrible it was! Even ifit has been a long time since then, I can still feel the fear. And I no longer like skating since then.

  I used to be fond of skating. But now things have changed because of a horrible experience.

  One winter, the weather was so cold that water turned into ice. One day on my way home, when seeing a frozen lake, I thought that the ice must be thick enough to support me. Being so interested in skating, I couldn’t help going down and sliding on the ice. Suddenly, I heard a sound of crack. Looking down, I saw the crack on the ice surface. I was frightened out of my life and didn’t dare to move. But nobody could help me. I had to move toward the bank carefully.

  As soon as I got onto the bank, the ice broke. How horrible it was! Even ifit has been a long time since then, I can still feel the fear. And I no longer like skating since then.

标签:初二写人作文初中写人作文范文,中学生写人作文初中作文 - 初二作文 - 初二写人作文


